Small World Angel Donations Due

November 14, 2016 all-day America/Chicago Timezone
Phillips Elementary
Randi Baker
Small World Angel Donations Due @ Phillips Elementary

Student classes are participating in a service project to sponsor an “Angel” this holiday season. Angels are less fortunate children in this community. With your help and generosity, these children and their families will have a truly joyful and memorable holiday season. Teachers have provided information about the Angel who has been adopted by your student’s class, including clothing sizes, needs and wishes.

Send your donations to school with your student. Make sure all donations are unwrapped and in a bag labeled with the Angel # (separate bags for each Angel, if there is more than one). If you want to donate wrapping paper, send a roll with the gift.

Volunteers will help gather and sort donations on November 28. All donated items will be distributed to Angels on December 14.

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