President shall:
- Oversee all functions and programs of the Phillips Elementary PTA
- Check with the principal before proceeding with any activity or project.
- Be available to all members of the PTA.
- Have materials to be sent home approved by the principal.
- Attend Leadership Conference and Workshops.
The 1st Vice President/Aide to the President (Memberships) shall:
- Be prepared to assume the position of president should the elected president be unable to serve to the completion of their term in office until the vacant
- position of president has been filled.
- Coordinate all aspects of the annual PTA membership drive, and to continue
- year-round efforts to involve and recruit new members, including all citizens
- of the community.
- Provide a list of members to the president and secretary; and to keep the
- membership list current.
- With the treasurer, submit member list and dues to the Texas PTA in a timely
- manner and at least monthly
- Be responsible for applying for membership awards from the district and
- Texas PTA.
- Attend Leadership Conference and Workshops.
- Be prepared to present a report, as needed, to the executive board and regular membership meetings.
- Be chair of the Life Membership Committee.
- Perform all functions as assigned by the president.
2nd Vice President (Ways and Means) shall:
- Oversee fundraising efforts.
- Attend Leadership Conference and Workshops.
- Be prepared to present a report, as needed, to the executive board andregular membership meetings.
- Organize and provide a student directory by October.
- Work on sponsorships and advertisements, as needed.
- Perform all functions as assigned by the president.
3rd Vice President (Programs) shall:
- Be responsible for the overview of PTA programs.
- Coordinate with the school principal for approval of programs, dates and
- times.
- Be prepared to present a report, as needed, to the executive board and regular
- membership meetings.
- Attend Leadership Conference and Workshops.
- Perform all functions as assigned by the president.
Treasurer shall:
- Count all money collected at the end of each event with at least one
- executive board member present.
- Be responsible for depositing money in the bank in a timely manner.
- Draft a letter to any party with a check returned for insufficient funds in an attempt to recover funds plus any bank charges resulting from the check.
- Collect budget input from previous and current board members prior to setting the budget.
- Perform all functions as assigned by the president.
Secretary shall:
- Record, duplicate, and distribute minutes to the executive board from executive board meetings.
- Record, duplicate, distribute and present minutes to PTA members from membership meetings.
- Be responsible for passing attendance sheet at the executive board and membership meetings.
- Provide and file with permanent record a sign in sheet of all persons attending general meetings.
- Report all correspondence at executive board meetings.
- Be prepared to present a report, as needed, at the executive board and
- membership meetings.
- Perform all functions as assigned by the president.
Parliamentarian shall:
- Sit near the president and provide assistance on all issues regarding the PTA
- Bylaws, Standing Rules and Robert’s Rule of Order.
- Review Bylaws, Standing Rules and procedures and make recommendations as needed.
- Perform all functions as assigned by the president.
Hospitality Chair shall:
- Coordinate all PTA appreciation luncheons and events.
- Be responsible for refreshments at PTA functions, when needed.
- Send Thank You notes and cards as needed.
- Serve as head greeter at all PTA functions.
- Recognize all established days or weeks, such as birthdays, Teacher
- Appreciation Week, Secretaries Day, etc. when applicable.
- Coordinate all PTA condolences and memorials as approved by the executive board.
Communications/Website Chair shall:
- Compile, edit, and distribute a PTA newsletter via email and website with the approval of the president and principal, 4-6 times a year.
- Oversee and manage the PTA website and the PTA Facebook page.
- Inform PTA members of PTA functions and events via the PTA website and the PTA Facebook as requested by other executive board members and approved by the president.
- Send notices of meetings and items of interest to the news media and assist committees in promoting all PTA activities.
Reflections/Cultural Arts Chair shall:
- Act as Chair of the PTA Reflections Program.
- Plan and/or support cultural arts activities within the school.
Volunteer Coordinator Chair shall:
- Solicit, compile and maintain a list of volunteers for the school and PTA events.
- Coordinate volunteers for PTA functions and assist with activities within the school as needed.
- Work hand and hand with volunteers and the school to enrich school programs through volunteering.
- Call volunteers as needed.
Book Fair
- Promote the formation of good home libraries by planning book fairs for
- students, parents and school faculty.
- Coordinate with volunteer chair for volunteers to serve on committees
- Be sure all props are set up and taken down in a timely manner.
- Responsible for opening and closing out all financials and make all payments to the book fair vendor within one week after the close of the book fair.
Environmental Chair shall:
- Promote environmental issues such as recycling, going green and minimalpaper correspondence.
- Coordinate Walk to School Days in the fall and spring.
- Inform, develop, implement, enhance, and assist administration regardingsafety guidelines and safety policies pertaining to the school’s structure, faculty, students and parents.
Room Parent Chair shall:
- Coordinate with teachers to assign a room parent.
- Organize and serve as a resource for all Room Parents.
- Set and coordinate a minimum of 4 room parent meetings per year.
a. General information meeting
b. Winter party
c. Valentine’s party
d. End of year party
- Work hand in hand with volunteers, as well as the volunteer coordinator and the school to enrich school programs through volunteering.
- Work with hospitality chair as well as volunteer chair to help with various teacher activities like snack day, lunches, and teacher appreciation week.
Spiritwear/Spirit Store Chair shall:
- Manage and maintain all necessary inventories for the Phillips ElementarySpirit Stick Sales.
- Order and maintain stock of spirit sticks.
- Work with volunteer coordinator to set up volunteers to sell spirit sticksmonthly.
SAGE Chair shall:
1. Facilitate communication between parents and SAGE committee.
2. Ensure inclusion of special and gifted children in all PTA sponsored events. 3. Be a SAGE resource for other PTA executive board members.
4. Be an advocate for special education and gifted resource teachers and for the diverse learner.
Store Programs Chair shall:
1. Arrange and manage any board-approved and /or product-related programs, such as Spirit Nights, Box Tops for Education, Target Red Card, Kroger Community Rewards Program or the like, for the purpose of generating revenue and building partnerships.
Mini Grants Chair shall:
- Distribute, collect, and review all mini-grant applications.
- Calls a meeting of the grant committee to discuss, award and distribute grantstwice a year, Fall and Spring, as budget allows for.
Watch D.O.G.S. Chair shall:
- Recruit men to volunteer on campus for the Watch D.O.G.S. Program.
- Coordinate Watch D.O.G.S. schedule.
Healthy Lifestyles Chair
- Build relationships with Phillips Elementary School PE department, administration and district to offer programs to the school to address areas of need, or connect with community health providers who do.
- Know Frisco ISD’s Wellness Policy (available online).
- Participate in the district SHAC (Student Health Advisory Committee)meetings.
- Sit on Campus Improvement Committees when invited.
- Work with Phillips Elementary School PE department to assist with Field Day.
Inclusivity Chair shall:
1. Works with Frisco PTA to increase sensitivity to all situations and families in the school community and creates opportunities for maximum participation in all PTA activities.
2. Works with staff and administration on Multicultural Night.
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